Friday 23 November 2018

The pace of you.

Everybody has their own pace of leading life. When a child is born, it* is innocent and learns to grow with curiosity.The curiosity in a soul needs to be kept alive so a person evolves and grows, and eventually feels enlightened enough to choose a life path for itself *.
But the naivety is gradually crushed when there is pressure on one to decide and lead its life as per the time frame defined by us in the first place.
I do not mean that one must be aimless in life and kill time doing absolutely nothing (not judging. If you afford to do that and are happy, who cares), but it is pure unjust for a person to rush through its’ life because it is meant to. A lot of people just want to pause too often, look around, and observe the beauty in a thousand ignored things, in nature or elsewhere, and resume when they are ready.  If everybody focused on moving fast, the world  would be an over competitive place to be in, where a lot of people would end up being depressed or cuckoo.
Time is relative, but perception is subjective. Perception exists, and it is not a made up word. It is not imaginary. Hence, pace is relative to each individual. 
I do not mean to demean people who are fast in life, Of course they have a pace too and good for them they are quick. Maybe they want their lives like that, but, maybe the people who are slower have different priorities than getting married at the right age or earning a billion before they are 40. But since now we are all measured in terms of possessions, the “slower” ones are brutally termed as unsuccessful.
Whoever said life is a race must have been really fast. “Appropriate” time as set up by others can be daunting emotionally to people. Looking at the world passing by on social media makes one feel that everyone is achieving great things while you are behind your mobile phones aimlessly scrolling, but, no one is going to put up their failures online so you don’t know what the other persons’ struggles are and how it is coping with them.
Which makes me wonder, why are failures a taboo? Isn’t that a part of growing as well? I believe it is high time topics like these were sabotaged from the list of being embarrassed about.
People need time to experiment their love lives, their professional lives, in fact even their spiritual life, and it should be okay to try and really know, that this is it. This is where I belong and this is my call. One needs to be satisfied with what they end up doing before reaching their deathbeds, instead of living in mediocrity only because it was time. Life is too special to be mediocre.

*Wrote “itself”  for convenience, and not to objectify humans. Kindly replace with Himself/herself or whatever you identify with J